Essential Vocabulary for the TOEFL Test

Essential Vocabulary for the TOEFL Test


McGraw-Hill Education: Essential Vocabulary for the TOEFL® Test has been written to help you

learn vocabulary for the TOEFL® test and, more important, for life. How will it do that?

• By helping you recognize words from their function and form

• By helping you use a dictionary and thesaurus

• By helping you figure out the meaning from context, which is the most useful method as you probably don't walk around with a dictionary in your back pocket (You probably have a cell/mobile phone, but that is not necessarily the best substitute for a reputable paper dictionary. I know-I'm old-fashioned!)

• By showing you how to organize the vocabulary you learn so that you can find it quickly and learn faster through associating words in clusters or with images

• By giving you some strategies on how to remember the words you learn

• By letting you hear vocabulary in action with sample texts


This book is divided into three parts:

I. Learning and understanding vocabulary

2. Building and recording vocabulary

3. Using vocabulary


The book contains approximately

• 417 academic words that can be found in the Academic Word List (or AWL, Coxhead 2000)*

• 404 advanced words that are not in the AWL

• 183 words or phrases that are commonly used in a campus context

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